Tuesday, February 07, 2012

rabbit dogs and the modern sportsman

I just wrote a whole paragraph about why I havn't been blogging consistently and just deleted it. WHO CARES!
I just wanted to get you updated on what's going on now. February is dead on us and there's just a few more weeks of gun season left. To tell the truth, it's been such a mild winter, it seems like it should already be over. One thing about it, the rabbit races have been really good this year. I'm fortunate enough to have two excellent FC females that jsut make rabbit hunting fun. I almost never use my tri tronics shock collars any more.
The 20 acres of running enclosure right in my back door sure makes training youg dogs easier. I imagine I am putting 5x more tracks on a young dog than I could just a few years back.
If you havn"t already check out my beagle podcast . You can scroll down a bit and see it. Let me know what you'd like to hear me ramble about.
Also Like us on our RHB Face Book page. It's the best way to stay up to date. I like it becuase I can post videos and info right from my mobile device.
Well that does it for today. I need to go to the kennel and and get the Purina Pro Plan dished out for the day.
Also Brandon Trice is out in my enclosure running his dogs. I might better make sure he us OK. Until tomorrow......

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